About AeroTech Corp. > Legal

Video idea Guidelines

By submitting video ideas, you agree to this policy, this is to make sure the communities I post my videos to are safe, another reason is to make sure my accounts don't get moderated (like a suspension)

If your idea violates these polices, your ideas response will be deleted, and your email might possibly be banned from submitting ideas.

Target Audience

Make sure your Targeted Audience is computers, software, technology, or electronics.

Content Pillars

Make sure your ideas matches my accounts theme, which is technology, software, or electronics.

Video Length

Make sure your video idea can be done in a 3-minute time limit.


Make sure your video idea doesn't any type of harassment (like verbal, sexual, physical harassment, etc.)


Make sure your video idea doesn't include spam, fraud, or scam's.

Deceptive content

Make sure your video idea doesn't include deceptive/misleading content.

Regulated goods

Make sure your idea doesn't include the use of regulated goods (drugs), selling of regulated goods, or promotion of regulated goods.


Make sure your idea doesn't include spreading of false rumors, or spreading peoples personal info.